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2022 Conservative Leadership Election.

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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 07 Jun 22 5.18pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

How many other PMs have been sacked for fabricating quotes? Or how many have refused to acknowledge how many children they have?

Well I don’t know but you will answer it.
I’m sure boris pays his csa unlike millions who don’t give a sh!t and get away with it.


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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 5.23pm

Current next leader betting odds:

Jeremy Hunt 4-1
Penny Mordaunt 5-1
Liz Truss - 6-1
Tom Tugendhat 6-1
Rishi Sunak 9-1
Ben Wallace - 9-1
Nadhim Zahawi 10-1
Sajid Javid 14-1
Michael Grove 20-1


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 07 Jun 22 5.29pm

Originally posted by cryrst

Well I don’t know but you will answer it.
I’m sure boris pays his csa unlike millions who don’t give a sh!t and get away with it.

He can afford to-£47 billion!


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 07 Jun 22 5.33pm

Originally posted by cryrst

Yup a lie never left any other PMs lips !

Not a lito her majesty!


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View silvertop's Profile silvertop Flag Portishead 07 Jun 22 5.42pm Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Totally wrong end of the stick.

On June 15th 2016, I genuinely believed the vote the following day would settle the matter.

The following day the biggest single exercise in direct democracy in the UK took place. Massive turn out, each vote equally weighted, a simple binary question and a pledge that the result would be acted upon.

Leave won.

That should have been it. Yes, a debate/argument about how we left, then fair enough. That is politics. But the very notion of somehow trying to usurp that vote, an utter, and ongoing, disgrace.

If somebody voted Remain on June 16th I have zero problems with them. They turned out to vote and did so for whatever reason.

If a person then continued to campaign/promote the notion of somehow imposing a second vote on the same issue, then utter scum. I have zero time for them and have cut people out of my life based on that.

The division has been created by any and everybody who campaigned for a second referendum. And it is now so deep, that it will colour every aspect of UK politics forever. Probably until the day the UK ceases to exist.

If a political party wishes to campaign in a general election on a manifesto of either reapplying to join the EU or hold another referendum then best of the British to them. People can vote accordingly on that.

But that's not going to happen. Labour will fudge the issue, probably be able to form a coalition with the SNP and the Lib-Dems after the next election, based on current polling, which will be dependent on us effectively rejoining the EU by way of their new partner's conditions. The Tories will then be faced with a choice. To either become the party of English nationalism, where a majority of people will still wish not to be part of the EU, or else fade away, to be replaced by a party that has English nationalism at its very core.

And then ALL bets are off.

With the blame for that laying squarely at the feet of Remain Retards who cannot grasp the simple fact that 52, when expressed as a percentage, beats 48.

Perhaps I was naive on June 16th 2016 in believing that the result would be the result. But I ain't so naive now.

Edited by Matov (07 Jun 2022 1.26pm)

No I knew which end of the stick I wanted and was attempting a bit of light banter - hideous failure!

As for your comments, argued to death elsewhere. On the vote, Leave definitely won. However, what annoys many Remainers is why they lost.

The two thirds principal applies with force here.

One third fully understood what they were voting and why and said in strong terms - LEAVE. You (and it would appear the majority on here) are of that third.

One third fully understood what they were voting and why and said so in equally strong terms - REMAIN. Me and a handful of others on here.

The other third I wish had stayed at home. They are genuine f*ck wits who voted remain as they feared change or some pop star said so. Or they voted Leave as they hate foreigners, or the Tories (!?!), or they were anti-austerity, or wanted to control immigration from non EU countries (!!!), or saw the vote as anti-elite as they felt they were not being listened to, and other stuff wholly unconnected with the referendum. There was also the enrichment of the NHS that people actually believed. To win, Leave needed more of these imbeciles - and boy did they get them.

Remainers hold the fantasy that many of the first third are dead - as there was a higher propensity of older voters wanting to leave - and that the young might actually turn up next time. They also hope that those who crawled out from their rocks may next time continue to further their usually self-imposed disenfranchised existence and stay under their bl00dy rocks.

Sadly, that is not how democracy works. On a referendum, you take a really big chance with a largely uneducated and impressionable electorate and, after the votes are cast and you lose, you have no right to question WHY people voted how they did.

Thus, I kind of agree with most of what you say... although the period when the Parliament was hung and there were numerous votes to reverse the result was perhaps the most polarizing and exciting period in our political history that I have lived through.


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View silvertop's Profile silvertop Flag Portishead 07 Jun 22 5.45pm Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

Current next leader betting odds:

Jeremy Hunt 4-1
Penny Mordaunt 5-1
Liz Truss - 6-1
Tom Tugendhat 6-1
Rishi Sunak 9-1
Ben Wallace - 9-1
Nadhim Zahawi 10-1
Sajid Javid 14-1
Michael Grove 20-1

Happy to eat my words, but if Hunt gets the ticket, I would be very surprised if he tried to rejoin the EU notwithstanding his Remain leaning. That boat has sailed; and I suspect the party would insist.


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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 07 Jun 22 6.11pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

Thus, I kind of agree with most of what you say... although the period when the Parliament was hung and there were numerous votes to reverse the result was perhaps the most polarizing and exciting period in our political history that I have lived through.

Well I would have to disagree with you (edit-about the exciting bit) Of course, I have my theory about Labours second referendum stance being primarily about a way of ensuring Corybn never reached number 10, primarily in light of how well he did in 2017.

But lets say that during that period of time, a 'Governement of National Unity' had emerged, as was the want of many Remainers. Now they would have had to hold it together long enough to pass the necessary legislation to get the second referendum held. Probably about a 6 month gap. So assuming this farce comes into play in November 2019, you probably have the second referendum in the May. Of course nobody could have predicted Covid so lets leave that to one side.

So you have your second referendum ahead with a Corbyn led coalition barely able to do anything else. The only issue is Brexit. Now I know for a fact that the policy towards any second referendum from the likes of Farage and so on would have been a boycott. After all, what would be the point? If your vote could be ignored the once, why bother voting again?

But come the May, we the vote. And its probably a less than 40% turn out. Remain win it but perhaps with less than 17.2 million votes that Leave got in 2016.

What is actually decided? Does the issue go away? Or does the country erupt? And in any future election, as we saw in December 2019, the Tories would have hammered away at the issue, and quite rightly so.

Throw in Covid itself, and lockdowns, and maybe an attempt to kick this ludicrous second referendum down the road (and to be fair, there might have been some valid reasons for that at the time) and the UK possibly fractures forever. Genuine real-world consequences. Deaths. Violence across the country.

I would have fought. In every sense of the word. I don't write that as hyperbole or boasting but as actual, cold, fact. Would have been trying to burn Parliament down. Willing to go to prison or even put my own life on the line. Again, people can feel free to mock this stance as macho posturing but I would be willing to look anybody in the eye and repeat my claims.

Thankfully it never happened but our politicians risked this.

I don't see it as exciting. I see it as playing with fire.

Edited by Matov (07 Jun 2022 6.13pm)


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 07 Jun 22 6.15pm

Originally posted by BlueJay

Current next leader betting odds:

Jeremy Hunt 4-1
Penny Mordaunt 5-1
Liz Truss - 6-1
Tom Tugendhat 6-1
Rishi Sunak 9-1
Ben Wallace - 9-1
Nadhim Zahawi 10-1
Sajid Javid 14-1
Michael Grove 20-1

Liz Truss-


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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 07 Jun 22 6.26pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

Happy to eat my words, but if Hunt gets the ticket, I would be very surprised if he tried to rejoin the EU notwithstanding his Remain leaning. That boat has sailed; and I suspect the party would insist.

Suspect the mechanism is already in place. What would happen would be an 'olive branch' from the EU. Probably headed by Macron. The people who back Hunt want us back in the single market/customs union.

It would not be presented as that, and 'freedom of movement' would probably come via an easy to navigate on-line visa system (which I actually favour but I am an exception on that) but ultimately it would have us back in the fold.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 07 Jun 22 6.30pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

Current next leader betting odds:

Jeremy Hunt 4-1
Penny Mordaunt 5-1
Liz Truss - 6-1
Tom Tugendhat 6-1
Rishi Sunak 9-1
Ben Wallace - 9-1
Nadhim Zahawi 10-1
Sajid Javid 14-1
Michael Grove 20-1

Mourdant is the one coming in on the inside rail. Only recently she was seen as a rank outsider, along with Michael Gove. Who is the only one I rate in the slightest.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View steeleye20's Profile steeleye20 Flag Croydon 07 Jun 22 6.52pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

'The UK rated the country least likely to honour its treaty obligations and commitments'.

That's a bit like saying that, internationally, the UK is a pain in the a***e you should avoid dealing with.

Hence matters like the USA trade deal, the NI protocol have a major drawback for the USA and EU.

Trusting us, and in particular, a PM with no integrity.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 07 Jun 22 7.18pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

Unfortunately you are incorrect. You likely know that and and no doubt this latest installment is a performance in favour of an endless back and forth about it. Not happening. There is a big difference between cruely and relentlessly mocking the elderly on grounds of age and highlighting (not mocking) that someone is behaving in a way that makes me question their mental health. Observation vs willfully macabre. If you're the one wanting to get 'snowflake' like about that I suggest you talk to your doctor about it.

Get back on topic..

Edited by BlueJay (07 Jun 2022 12.42pm)

Good grief, you really have no self awareness.

You disrupt threads regularly with this kind of garbage and then try to deflect blame. You don't even recognize your own hypocrisy in that post.

No one buys your pathetic tactics.

Stop disrupting. No one wants to read it.


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