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2022 Conservative Leadership Election.

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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 07 Jun 22 11.03am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

While your disdain for certain posters is clear, if you can fall marginally short of essentially looking to the death of our more elderly members (or making frequent references to senility) that would be a good way forward. You've marked so many demographics off your bingo card that even within ones you claim to favour there is eventual hatred there anyway (on age grounds here). Are or did you talk about your own elderly parents this way?

Edited by BlueJay (07 Jun 2022 10.59am)

Go away with your self righteous cobblers.

If you join this club then you better not be a snowflake.

Unlike you, he isn't.


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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 11.10am

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Go away with your self righteous cobblers.

If you join this club then you better not be a snowflake.

Unlike you, he isn't.

Nope, if you constantly throw out 'senile' and suchlike at an elderly poster and when you get especially hot under the collar there is a 'death' themed analogy thrown in, you'll find it's just pure and simple age related digs and that will be highlighted. How 'complex', how nuanced. You're free to act like like that, but when you do it will be highlighted. Most peoples parents will have taught them to respect, or at least not denigrate, people on age grounds. Your lot clearly couldn't be bothered with that or much else it seems. You'll be old too one day (soon in fact). Take note.

Edited by BlueJay (07 Jun 2022 11.39am)


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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 11.32am

Originally posted by Matov

Its amazing how long the shadow of Brexit remains (no pun intended). Two days ago I would have jumped for joy at the thought of Johnson going but when it became clear that Hunt was seen as the man in waiting, I had to hope that Johnson somehow clung on because Hunt is an utter Remain Retard.

I personally think it's wide open really in terms of leadship challenges, and still certainly not a foregone conclusion that Boris will even go. While there are certainly factions factoring this challenger or that including Hunt (as well as this future or that) I don't see it as Huny having it sewn up and can't see it as being a wise move politically for the Conservatives themselves to try to undo Brexit! Of course I could be wrong.

Penny Mordaunt and Tom Tugendhat appear to have a decent amount of support (including in the betting markets) and others. It's really too early to say that it simply must lead in this direction or that. Uncertain times though, I agree!


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 07 Jun 22 11.56am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

Nope, if you constantly throw out 'senile' and suchlike at an elderly poster and when you get especially hot under the collar there is a 'death' themed analogy thrown in, you'll find it's just pure and simple age related digs and that will be highlighted. How 'complex', how nuanced. You're free to act like like that, but when you do it will be highlighted. Most peoples parents will have taught them to respect, or at least not denigrate, people on age grounds. Your lot clearly couldn't be bothered with that or much else it seems. You'll be old too one day (soon in fact). Take note.

Edited by BlueJay (07 Jun 2022 11.39am)

Firstly, I don't think I have ever used the word 'senile' and, I have bad news. Everybody dies.

In a recent post, you referred to my 'mental health',

So not only are you nauseatingly self-righteous, but you are also (surprise surprise) a massive hypocrite.

Do you seriously believe that anyone on here cannot see straight through your disingenuous clap trap?


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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 12.25pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Firstly, I don't think I have ever used the word 'senile' and, I have bad news. Everybody dies.

In a recent post, you referred to my 'mental health',

Unfortunately you are incorrect. You likely know that and and no doubt this latest installment is a performance in favour of an endless back and forth about it. Not happening. There is a big difference between cruely and relentlessly mocking the elderly on grounds of age and highlighting (not mocking) that someone is behaving in a way that makes me question their mental health. Observation vs willfully macabre. If you're the one wanting to get 'snowflake' like about that I suggest you talk to your doctor about it.

Get back on topic..

Edited by BlueJay (07 Jun 2022 12.42pm)


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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 12.46pm

" Cabinet members have expressed their support, saying he won "handsomely" and has a "fresh mandate"

But some MPs who voted against him have warned that Tory opposition to Johnson is "not over"

Former party leader William Hague called the level of opposition "devastating" and urged the PM to resign

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was glad that his country had not lost "an important ally"

What a mix of reactions from various quarters. Interesting times.


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View Nicholas91's Profile Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 07 Jun 22 1.00pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

" Cabinet members have expressed their support, saying he won "handsomely" and has a "fresh mandate"

But some MPs who voted against him have warned that Tory opposition to Johnson is "not over"

Former party leader William Hague called the level of opposition "devastating" and urged the PM to resign

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was glad that his country had not lost "an important ally"

What a mix of reactions from various quarters. Interesting times.



Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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BlueJay Flag UK 07 Jun 22 1.05pm

. Thanks for lighening the mood. No doubt there are some who will stick by him through thick and thin, no matter what. You could argue that leaders need them. Nadine Dorries for one has clearly gone 'all in'!


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View Nicholas91's Profile Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 07 Jun 22 1.09pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

. Thanks for lighening the mood. No doubt there are some who will stick by him through thick and thin, no matter what. You could argue that leaders need them. Nadine Dorries for one has clearly gone 'all in'!

It's highlighting and making mockery of the delusion that persons in politics are serving the nation as best possible and not their own interests.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 07 Jun 22 1.12pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Firstly, I don't think I have ever used the word 'senile' and, I have bad news. Everybody dies.

In a recent post, you referred to my 'mental health',

So not only are you nauseatingly self-righteous, but you are also (surprise surprise) a massive hypocrite.

Do you seriously believe that anyone on here cannot see straight through your disingenuous clap trap?

You can call dying people you don't like 'prats' and posters you have issues with 'pr1cks' but god forbid you call people senile.

Don't concern yourself with hypocritical moral puritans throwing stones in fabricated greenhouses.

Edited by Stirlingsays (07 Jun 2022 1.30pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 07 Jun 22 1.24pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

He can defend himself (and does so, at length) but these words are pretty much how us Remainers saw the Brexit vote. No evidence yet to show we were wrong, but it's early days...

Totally wrong end of the stick.

On June 15th 2016, I genuinely believed the vote the following day would settle the matter.

The following day the biggest single exercise in direct democracy in the UK took place. Massive turn out, each vote equally weighted, a simple binary question and a pledge that the result would be acted upon.

Leave won.

That should have been it. Yes, a debate/argument about how we left, then fair enough. That is politics. But the very notion of somehow trying to usurp that vote, an utter, and ongoing, disgrace.

If somebody voted Remain on June 16th I have zero problems with them. They turned out to vote and did so for whatever reason.

If a person then continued to campaign/promote the notion of somehow imposing a second vote on the same issue, then utter scum. I have zero time for them and have cut people out of my life based on that.

The division has been created by any and everybody who campaigned for a second referendum. And it is now so deep, that it will colour every aspect of UK politics forever. Probably until the day the UK ceases to exist.

If a political party wishes to campaign in a general election on a manifesto of either reapplying to join the EU or hold another referendum then best of the British to them. People can vote accordingly on that.

But that's not going to happen. Labour will fudge the issue, probably be able to form a coalition with the SNP and the Lib-Dems after the next election, based on current polling, which will be dependent on us effectively rejoining the EU by way of their new partner's conditions. The Tories will then be faced with a choice. To either become the party of English nationalism, where a majority of people will still wish not to be part of the EU, or else fade away, to be replaced by a party that has English nationalism at its very core.

And then ALL bets are off.

With the blame for that laying squarely at the feet of Remain Retards who cannot grasp the simple fact that 52, when expressed as a percentage, beats 48.

Perhaps I was naive on June 16th 2016 in believing that the result would be the result. But I ain't so naive now.

Edited by Matov (07 Jun 2022 1.26pm)


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View Nicholas91's Profile Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 07 Jun 22 1.44pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Totally wrong end of the stick.

On June 15th 2016, I genuinely believed the vote the following day would settle the matter.

The following day the biggest single exercise in direct democracy in the UK took place. Massive turn out, each vote equally weighted, a simple binary question and a pledge that the result would be acted upon.

Leave won.

That should have been it. Yes, a debate/argument about how we left, then fair enough. That is politics. But the very notion of somehow trying to usurp that vote, an utter, and ongoing, disgrace.

If somebody voted Remain on June 16th I have zero problems with them. They turned out to vote and did so for whatever reason.

If a person then continued to campaign/promote the notion of somehow imposing a second vote on the same issue, then utter scum. I have zero time for them and have cut people out of my life based on that.

The division has been created by any and everybody who campaigned for a second referendum. And it is now so deep, that it will colour every aspect of UK politics forever. Probably until the day the UK ceases to exist.

If a political party wishes to campaign in a general election on a manifesto of either reapplying to join the EU or hold another referendum then best of the British to them. People can vote accordingly on that.

But that's not going to happen. Labour will fudge the issue, probably be able to form a coalition with the SNP and the Lib-Dems after the next election, based on current polling, which will be dependent on us effectively rejoining the EU by way of their new partner's conditions. The Tories will then be faced with a choice. To either become the party of English nationalism, where a majority of people will still wish not to be part of the EU, or else fade away, to be replaced by a party that has English nationalism at its very core.

And then ALL bets are off.

With the blame for that laying squarely at the feet of Remain Retards who cannot grasp the simple fact that 52, when expressed as a percentage, beats 48.

Perhaps I was naive on June 16th 2016 in believing that the result would be the result. But I ain't so naive now.

Edited by Matov (07 Jun 2022 1.26pm)

The problem with politics these days is that certain groups, ideologies and peoples have been allowed to believe they hold the moral high-ground in any given circumstance and therefore they have carte blanche to achieve their aims by whatever means necessary. This often includes pointing the finger and demonising certain groups.

I remain steadfast that this is the result of people's own insecurities and failings in life. When you blame current systems, ideologies or those more successful, Jewish, 'non-Aryans', any other group of peoples come to think of it, even a 'white patriarchy' for your own miserable existence/failings and adopt a hardline approach to overthrow these systems as you lay the blame solely at the feet of these external factors, then well, we've all seen where that leads.

It is my own opinion that things wrong in society today are caused by those who kicked up the biggest stink previously, and things that will be wrong in the future will be caused by those spitting dummies out of prams the most dramatically now.

I'd like to say that common sense, logic and reason are dying a slow and painful death, once again, in our society however I see it as a never ending loop quite frankly.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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